
07/02/2025 - New papers published

The paper "Employing Observability Rank Conditions for Taking into Account Experimental Information a priori" has been published at the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology and can be accessed here. Furthermore, our paper with Antonis Papachristodoulou on "Analysing control-theoretic properties of nonlinear synthetic biology circuits" has been accepted at DYCOPS 2025.

05/02/2025 - Welcome, Mahmoud!

Today we welcome Mahmoud Shams Falavarjani to our group. Mahmoud, who studied chemical engineering at Babol Noshirvani University of Technology and at the University of Isfahan (Iran), will work on the DYNAMO-bio project. Looking forward to working together!

13/11/2024 - At the Biocontrol Workshop

Today we have presented a poster at the Biocontrol Workshop 2024. Co-authored by Antón, Sandra, Alexandru, Alex, and Antonis Papachristodoulou (Oxford), it highlights results from our latest arxiv preprint.

11/11/2024 - New preprints

We have a couple of recent papers in arxiv: "Observability rank conditions for analysing practical identifiability a priori" (arXiv:2410.06984) and "Analysing control-theoretic properties of nonlinear synthetic biology circuits" (arXiv:2411.05450).

18/10/2024 - DYNAMO-bio kick-off meeting

Today we have had the first meeting of our new project, DYNAMO-bio, which is funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. We have put together a great group of scientists (and friends), and we are looking forward to collaborating with them!

19/09/2024 - Talk at MATRIX workshop

Today I am giving a talk at the MATRIX workshop on Parameter Identifiability in Mathematical Biology held in Creswick, Victoria, Australia. Really thankful to MATRIX and the organisers, Mat, Ruth, Oliver, and Jennifer, for inviting me... and congratulations for putting up such a nice event!

16/09/2024 - Among the top 2% Scientists Worldwide 2024 (Stanford University list)

Stanford University has recently released an update of the list that represents the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines. Alejandro F. Villaverde is among the many scientists from the Universidade de Vigo included in the "single year" list.

26/08/2024 - Incoming & outcoming students

Today we are welcoming Dorin Alexandru Ionescu to our group. Alexandru is a master student (M2i-UDC) who will work as an intern on the analysis of methods for relative observability. Two other master students (Biomedical Eng-UVIGO), Sara Eguizábal and Antón Pardo, have already finished their internships.

10/07/2024 - Visit from Warwick

This week we are hosting two visitors from the University of Warwick: Alex Darlington and Carlos Sequeiros. We are starting to work with the Darlington group on the related topics of experimental design for host-aware biotech engineering (EPSRC project), and modelling and analysis of microbial systems (Spanish AEI project). Looking forward to a fruitful collaboration!


Universidade de Vigo