Software GitHub webpage

Generated by DALL·E
As main developers:
- STRIKE-GOLDD: a MATLAB tool for analysing local structural identifiability and observability of nonlinear ODE models.
- StrikePy: a Python implementation of some of STRIKE-GOLDD's features.
- NLcontrollability: a MATLAB toolbox for analysing controllability and accessibility of nonlinear systems (also included in STRIKE-GOLDD).
- MIDER (Mutual Information Distance and Entropy Reduction): a general purpose software tool for inferring network structures.
- PREMER (Parallel Reverse Engineering with Mutual information & Entropy Reduction): a fast, parallel software tool for inferring network structures.
- BioPreDyn-bench: A collection of benchmark problems for dynamic modelling in systems biology.
As collaborators:
- SELDOM (enSEmbLe of Dynamic lOgic-based Models): a tool for building ensembles of logic-based ODE models of signalling pathways with good predicting capabilities.
- SELDOMpy: a Python implementation of SELDOM.
- MEIGO (MEtaheuristics for bIoinformatics Global Optimization): a global optimization toolbox for parameter estimation.
- VisId (Visualization of Identifiability): a MATLAB toolbox for visualizing identifiability problems in dynamic biochemical models.